Aging Gracefully with Subtle Changes

I came to Dr. Cox about 3 years ago feeling unhappy with my appearance and feeling very old and unattractive. My utmost concern was the lines around my mouth. I explained to Dr. Cox that I did not want to look fake and feel like I looked like a different person, I just wanted to lessen the lines around my mouth and between my brows, but still be me.
So we started with Botox around my mouth and brow area and built from there. The part I liked best about Dr. Cox is that she has never pushed me to do anything and didn’t even suggest things unless I asked her how I could improve in a certain area. So I felt like I was able to move at the pace that suited me and made me feel comfortable. I asked a lot of questions and she and her staff were always wonderful about giving me information and helping me feel comfortable about any procedure that I was considering. And that has meant a lot and kept me coming back as a patient.
Dr. Cox was great at explaining what she was going to do and how it would help. She also stressed doing procedures that increased collagen growth. So for the last 3 years, I have gradually improved my facial lines with Botox, filler, and laser and microneedling procedures. And each of the procedures has built on the previous procedures and made a wonderful change for me and has made me so very happy. I feel like when I look in the mirror now that I do not see a sad person anymore, but instead a much happier one and a face that does not make me feel so old. I also think it has helped my self-esteem which I was not even thinking about when I started this journey. I am so glad that I decided to do this and I thank Dr. Cox from the bottom of my heart.
I can’t really believe it sometimes when I look in the mirror… I still look like me, but better and that was one of the things that was most important.
– Debra from Chapel Hill, NC