Xanthelasma Removal: Treatment For Cholesterol Deposits Around the Eyes

Cholesterol Deposits Around the Eyes Explained
Cholesterol deposits around the eyes, referred to as Xanthelasma, occur when deposits of cholesterol build up under the skin. This presents as harmless yellow growths on or near the corners of the eyelids. Some cases are associated with metabolic or endocrinologic disorders, but many cases are isolated with no disease association.
Are There Any Natural Remedies for Xanthelasma?
Unfortunately there are no natural remedies for Xanthelasma. If your lesions are disease associated, in some cases treating the underlying condition can decrease the size and inhibit further growth of cholesterol deposits.
Can You Remove Xanthelasma at Home?
Unless the lipid-filled cells are physically destroyed, there is no way to decrease the appearance of xanthelasma. At the present time, there is no cream that can safely go deep enough or effectively disrupt these cells enough to treat the condition.
How to Get Rid of Xanthelasma
Surgical excision and laser removal are currently the two best options for Xanthelasma treatment. Laser treatment for Xanthelasma most often involves Ablative CO2 or Erbium lasers. By delivering energy deep into the skin, the cholesterol deposits are removed while causing minimal trauma to the surrounding healthy tissue. Surgical removal involves a plastic or oculoplastic surgeon carefully cutting out the cholesterol deposits.
Can Xanthelasma Return After Treatment?
It is possible for Xanthelasma to return after treatment. In some instances, xanthelasma is more extensive or too deep to safely clear the full lesion. If this is the case, the xanthelasma appearance will be drastically minimized, but it may grow back with time. Additionally, since your body knows how to make xanthelasma, it may make more in the future.
Get Rid of Xanthelasma at Aesthetic Solutions
If you are interested in Xanthelasma Laser Treatment in the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill area, contact our office for more information on treatment.