Treating Cellulite on the Buttocks and Legs: 5 Things You Should Know

What is Cellulite? Dimpling on the Buttocks and Legs Explained
Cellulite is an extremely common condition affecting 80-90% of people in their lifetime. It causes a dimpled appearance to the skin, most commonly along the buttocks and thighs. Cellulite is thought to be a genetic condition, which causes fibrous bands within the fatty tissue that pull down on the underside of the skin, causing the characteristic appearance. Contrary to popular belief, weight fluctuations and exercise are unlikely to prevent or cure cellulite.
Do At Home Creams and Rollers for Cellulite Work?
Unfortunately, at home creams and rollers for cellulite do not work. Because the root of the dimpling is the fibrous septae underneath the skin within the adipose tissue, creams or rollers do not penetrate deep enough to release these bands.
Cellulite vs Skin Laxity: Why the Distinction Influences Your Treatment Plan
Correctly evaluating dimpling vs skin laxity is key in properly executing rejuvenation of the buttock and thigh area. Most people have a combination of both cellulite and skin laxity, which are treated differently. Skin laxity, unlike cellulite, occurs due to loss of collagen or loss of support—this means that laxity arises as a normal result of the intrinsic aging process, but also can be exacerbated by changes in body shape. For those who are at their ideal weight, skin laxity can be treated with injectable and energy-based devices that enhance collagen production. More severe skin laxity often requires a visit with a board certified plastic surgeon.
Current Cosmetic Cellulite Treatment Options
For particularly deep dimples, I recommend Aveli, which is a minimally invasive technique that allows for release of the fibrous septae involved in the dimpled appearance. For shallower dimples, injectable biostimulators can be employed to improve the contour of the dimples. A cannula injection technique can help break apart the fibrous septae during injection. For more subtle dimpling, Rapid Acoustic Pulse technology can be used.
In patients with both cellulite and laxity, modalities that tackle both issues, such as a combination of Sofwave and a fibrous septae-targeting treatment, are used for a more comprehensive outcome.
Cellulite Treatment Outcomes: How Much Improvement is Realistic?
Once cellulite develops, it is impossible to erase it fully. In most cases, the deeper your cellulite dimples, the more dramatic results you can expect. A comprehensive consultation to evaluate for skin laxity, cellulite, and other skin surface changes is vital in coming up with a holistic treatment plan that works best for your body.
Cellulite Treatment at Aesthetic Solutions
If you are interested treating cellulite in the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill area, contact our office for more information on treatment.