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Removing Fordyce Spots: 4 Common Questions Answered

Fordyce Spots

What Causes Fordyce Spots?

Fordyce spots are ectopic sebaceous glands that can appear on the lips, insides of the mouth, or genitals. They present as tiny, clustered, yellowish raised spots on the surface of the skin. They are not dangerous and are considered a normal variant of anatomy. They can present at any age.

Will Fordyce Spots Naturally Go Away Over Time?

Unfortunately, Fordyce Spots will not go away naturally over time. Once these spots appear, they are a part of your normal anatomy and will persist. More may appear with time. Appearances occasionally correspond to hormonal changes but can appear at any time. It’s important not to pick or squeeze Fordyce spots, as this won’t make them go away and can cause further issues like infection.

What Cosmetic Treatments Are Available?

Treatment is entirely optional, as the lesions are benign and normal. If they are cosmetically bothersome, destroying the lesions with CO2 laser is typically the most effective.

For genitalia, spot treatment of the most bothersome lesions is recommend. For the lips, a field treatment over the entire area works best for better blending with the surrounding skin.

Can Fordyce Spots Return After Treatment?

Just like your body can make new sebaceous glands or oil glands, your body can make more Fordyce spots. The lesions can always recur, which can take months to years. Occasionally, if some lesions are not able to be fully treated safely in one session, several sessions may be required for optimal results.

If you are interested in treating Fordyce Spots in the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill area, contact our office for more information on treatment.