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How To Achieve Natural Looking Lip Filler

Natural Looking Lip Filler

When patients come in for lip injections, the first question they usually ask is “will this look natural?” The pursuit of full, even lips is often cut short by fear of “duck lips”. Symmetry, volume loss, hydration – each patient has unique goals and concerns and should know natural looking lip filler is possible.

You Are Unique – So Are Your Lips!

As we start to age our upper lip lengthens and the visible “pink” portion flattens and deflates, leaving us with very little to apply lipstick to. In over 25 years of performing lip injections (and conducting the clinical trials for just about every lip filler on the market), we’ve learned that each patient has a look they are hoping to achieve. A patient’s best bet for natural looking lip filler is working with a provider who carefully listens and pairs the treatment to those goals.

When patients say they don’t want “big lips” that often indicates they are looking to fight signs of volume loss without looking overdone. More subtle fillers like Belotero, Restylane Silk or RHA-2 work well here. On the opposite end of the spectrum, for patients wanting noticeable volume, a thicker filler like Restylane Kysse or Juvederm Ultra Plus may be appropriate. Sometimes, filler isn’t what’s needed at all. Concerns with lip lines may better be addressed with laser resurfacing, or a more prominent top lip could be better achieved with a Botox “lip flip”.

So, Where Should You Start?

Who can inject lip fillers, and the laws on how they are supervised is not well regulated. In many states, PAs, RNs and NPs can inject without physician oversight if an MD is available by phone. You may think the “MD” behind a physician’s name means they are credentialed to perform or advise on cosmetic injections, but just like we don’t want you knocking on our door for a root canal, it’s best to skip the lip injections at your next dental cleaning. As a rule of thumb, look for a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon. As an added precaution, ask what professional organizations they are members of like the AAD, ASDS, ASPS or ASAPS.

To achieve natural looking lip filler, ask your provider to see before and after photos of their patients. Be sure the patients in the photos have similar anatomy to yours. Complications from lip fillers are rare but can be serious. If an issue were to arise ask your provider how they would fix it and whether they can be reached 24/7.

All Lip Filler Should Be Natural Looking Lip Filler.

The goal of cosmetic injections is to enhance your natural beauty, not overpower it. Small, subtle changes often yield the best results, which is why our motto is slow and steady wins the race. When patients get “lip greed” and want multiple syringes in one session, the result is often overfilled lips or even filler that has migrated past the lip’s natural borders. In many cases, desired results are achieved over a series of sessions. You may not see immediate, dramatic change but your natural looking lip filler will thank you! To learn more about lip fillers, please request a consultation with Dr. Cox.