Café Au Lait Birthmark Treatment: How to Remove Birthmarks

What is a Café Au Lait Birthmark?
Café Au Lait Birthmarks (CALM for short) are well-defined tan to brown lesions that are often present at birth or appear in early childhood. They can appear anywhere on the body and will grow proportionally with you. The name café au lait is French for “coffee with milk” and refers to the light-brown color of the birthmark.
Are Café Au Lait Birthmarks Harmless?
For the most part, these birthmarks are harmless. In some cases, if a child is born with numerous lesions, it may be a sign of an underlying systemic disease.
Are There Home Remedies for Café Au Lait Spots?
Unfortunately, there are no successful at home treatments for birthmarks available today. Even topical bleaching and brightening agents have been shown to be ineffective in fading these spots. At-home destructive modalities should be avoided as they can lead to scarring.
What is the Best Laser for Café Au Lait Birthmarks?
While numerous laser types have been used, nanosecond (Q-switched) and picosecond Nd:YAG have been the most efficacious. These lasers can specifically target melanin and melanin-containing cells, which are what gives these birthmarks their characteristic appearance. At Aesthetic Solutions, we use the Q-switched Alexandrite laser.
Can Birthmarks Return After Laser Treatment?
Café Au Lait birthmarks are typically treated conservatively, as the treated skin can undergo dyspigmentation if treated too aggressively. Laser treatment requires a series of treatments for optimal results, and in some cases, touch up treatments may be needed months to years after to keep these lesions at bay.
Removing Birthmarks at Aesthetic Solutions
If you are interested in laser birthmark removal in the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill area, contact our office for more information on treatment.