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Four Tips to Keep Rosacea in Check this Summer

Summer can be a tricky time for managing Rosacea. The most common environmental triggers – sun, heat and humidity – are challenging, if not downright impossible, to avoid. In fact, nearly half of Rosacea patients surveyed report that their symptoms are at their worst during the warm weather months, according to the National Rosacea Society (NRS).

As such, the NRS has developed some lifestyle tips that may help you better manage your Rosacea symptoms during the heat. Additionally, oral and topic medications, as well as laser or BBL therapy, can help you keep symptoms under control. These treatments are available through Aesthetic Solutions – and could be your ticket to managing Rosacea.

Let’s start with lifestyle and then move on to medical treatments:

  • Use sunscreen. Stay in the shade. You think we dermatologists would be tired of handing out this same old advice, but we aren’t. Avoiding the sun and using sunscreen at all other times are your skin’s best defense against damage and aging – and Rosacea flareups.  Remember to use a sunscreen with both UVA/UVB coverage and an SPF of at least 30. If you have sensitive skin, as many Rosacea patients do, consider a physical barrier sunscreen that is hypoallergenic. Chemical sunscreens tend to be more irritating.
  • Stay cool. It’s no mean feat to stay cool during our Triangle summers. For patients with Rosacea, however, it’s an effort worth making. On the hottest summer days, try to restrict yourself to air-conditioned environments. If you must go outside for chores or exercise, do so in the early morning or evening, when the weather is cooler. If you feel yourself getting hot and / or flushed, apply cool compresses to your face. Alternatively, mist your head and neck with a spray bottle of cool water.
  • Don’t forget your medication. In summer it’s especially critical that you continue to use any oral and/ or topical medication your dermatologist has prescribed. Doing so can help keep your face clear of pimples and pustules, as well as reduce redness. Hint: If you’re traveling for vacation, keep your Rosacea medicine in a carry-on bag so it won’t get lost, even if your checked luggage does.
  • Consider a V-Beam laser treatment: While there is no cure for Rosacea, and while papules and pustules usually respond best to medication, vascular lasers such as the V-Beam can effectively treat symptoms such as telangiectasia (visible blood vessels) and severe redness. In many cases the results are remarkable and lasting. BBL treatments are another option, though generally less effective.  If you have these symptoms and would like to learn more about V-Beam laser or BBL treatments, contact Aesthetic Solutions or your local cosmetic dermatologist for a consult today.

Note: Do you think you may have Rosacea but lack a diagnosis? You are not alone. Of the 14 million people estimated to have Rosacea, only a fraction know it. For a list of signs and symptoms, see this page from the American Academy of Dermatology.  If you feel you could have Rosacea, follow up with your dermatologist for diagnosis and treatment.